

you found my secret blog.
i just didn't want my whiney ramblings to throw off the vibe
i need to be someone who know what they're doing lol

anyway, site updated for future plans, mainly media review
that's all i got so far lol



More progress done:
*Updated/consolidated the "pseudojim" pages
*Added things to "Images", "Music", and "Projects", which will be updated from time to time.
*Added "Links" to menu button that leads to Linktree.
I'm sure there's still more to do once I think about it for a while, but I'll leave it at this for now.



I've made a lot of updates and general fixing for the site.
Slowly organizing just like in real life. Making steps to actually do my favorite things. Things that only I stopped myself from doing,
Take your time, but don't let time get ahead of you.
More updating, so I'll let you know later.



I finished the pseudojim VN and played it on stream.
I'm also trying to not lose my mind from our messed up reality.
But I have to keep on keeping on.


I am working on a Visual Novel game based on my online username "pseudojim"

Here's a screenshot:


Happy New Year!
I'm starting off the new album split into two parts. "The Part of Me I'm Leaving"
I'm exited to do more with my life, to explore different ideas and push myself for my own betterment, as well as other potentially.
Big thank you to everyone who's watched/listened/gave me a chance these past years. I will appreciate that better from now on.
Thank you.


NEW MUSIC RELEASE: "The Part of Me I'm Leaving: Part 1 and 2"

The songs are (currently) exclusive to Bandcamp, a compilation of songs that didn't feel good enough to release.
After a sudden meditative binge during the last weeks of December (due to marijuana), I saw a better perspective for my life where I accept myself as I am.
As a result, these old songs were reworked, remixed and released as part of this newfound acceptance.

Thank you for your time, especially if you took the time to listen!


Happy almost New Year!
Been busy, working on my new music release, haven't had time to update the website.
Thank you for stopping by if you did!
New things soon! 2024 Never Forget (haha)


I've made plenty of music during my time, ever since high school. Those bands/projects are: Then I released "Grasping" on June 1, 2023. A new step towards a more honest direction.

I also had some alternative cover ideas:

"And Fleeting" was also released. (It's just the instrumentals.)

Some point afterwards, I was messing around with old redephant tracks to maybe play them live in the future. I've had experience with playing backing track during Broken Cartridge days. The two songs were both from Redephant's "Melancholy", recorded on the same night I had the idea. Maybe it was the first time in a while that I just did things. Released June 22, 2023, "elephante red" is a inside joke with a friend that I thought fit pretty well.

From there, writing music retreated back to how it was before: A chore. Nothing felt good enough, parts didn't evolve like it felt like it did before, and it just sucked. I think from there I also felt stuck with everything else in my life.

Then I got high, haha



Happy Christmas Eve!
I'm realizing what I can do with my website, just like what I do when I brainstorm or think of ideas.
I usually just date a page and title it with something, but yeah, why not do it for a website too!

So here we go: Welcome to my website!

All this might just be journal entries seperated by different categories, but once I get everthing updated like this, it should make more sense.
Expect various kinds of media while I use this to create more things.

12/24/23 | Well Then...

Just a quick update:
-working on reworking website
-organizing plans/projects
-figuring out what I want to do
-doing the best that I can!

Hopefully I've be able to explain exactly what happened to me, but I feel a complete change in perspective and resolve.

Happy Holidays!

11/25/23 | Good Weird

I had a weird moment yesterday. Good weird. During my Thanksgiving break, I was hoping to make the most out of the time off from work. I've been aware of the pressure I've been applying to myself, but I also believe there's some true to it. At some point, I decided to clean up my room from all the clutter and junk just hanging around. I put on some haircuts for men and just vibed out while I cleaned and organized. And then i thought of something. A philosophy of some kind. Basically that there are multiple and countless ways to criticise something, especially about yourself. But it takes effort and courage to come up with reasons why something is good, especially about yourself. To look at the positive, the bright side of what you do. A change of perspective, a forgiveness. Why be hard on yourself if you're on the same team? So eventually, I felt better. Today, I felt more aware, or alert, knowing that i'm holding myself down. Instead of just sitting down and watching videos, I got up and played with my guitars. Within minutes, I came up with something fun, interesting, and able to see the good in it rather than think what's lacking. There could be a million things wrong with it, but if I'm having fun, why should I have to justify it?

keep it up, jim

below was written during squarespace hosting

5/04/23 | Late Update

Hi, Jim here. It’s been a while since I’ve last updated the website, or really be present online aside from a few friends, so let’s catch up! Wedding stuff is still underway, which is exciting and scary at the same time. Just finally getting this sorted out, it’s almost hard to believe it’s actually happening, lol. But again, very excited, just 15 more days at the time of writing! I know everything will be fine, but I can’t help to feel nervous as we get closer. (I feel nervous for anything “important” like doctor visits, meet-ups. Basically anything with a certain time or deadline. Thanks, anxiety.) Just as important (to some people, lol), I finally finished Elden Ring. Played it on Discord along with Dave and puddmuddle helping/guiding me. It really shouldn’t have taken me over a year to do, but regardless, it was a very enjoyable game. I think the vague story and atmosphere is what really kept me interested and immersed, but as soon as I got to the new game+ part, my dedication to the game subsided, lol. We’ll see if I pick it back up later. I haven’t been streaming as much after beating DOOM (2016) since I’m just waiting for the new Zelda game to release. Watching most of the trailers, I’m very excited for Tears of the Kingdom (and for it to take over my life for the next couple of months.) Gotta keep that Zelda Fanboy status, right? While waiting, I’ve been focusing on recording my future musical release, Grasping. It’ll be my first “serious” release since Redephant’s Melancholy so I want to do the best I can. It’s been tough trying to improve since I’m recording differently than I have before, while also trying to learn (and relearn) how to mix and edit these new sounds. So far so good, but as long as I focus on one thing at a time, it should come out as one of my favorites. I think that’s all I’ve been up to lately. In addition to this blog, I’ve updated some of the pages on the site. Better designs for each artist in Music, and just general fixes. Until next time!


4/09/23 | Jimster Sunday

Hello once again! Just a few things happened since I’ve last written here. Let’s see how much I remember lol So on stream, finally finished Earthbound. Can’t believe how I started it last year, and it took me this long to beat it. Still, I enjoyed it and I think it still adds some influence to my interests, I’m just glad I’ve finished it. (check out the playlist on pseudoVODs) We also did start DOOM (2016) and that’s been nice too. Unsure what I’ll play after, but streaming on the weekends has been better for me, especially since I’ve got more things to do outside of it. Speaking of: I managed to record a demo version of a song I’ve been working on lately. I still haven’t found out how to properly record my guitar amp to the best quality, as well as mixing it all properly, but we'll figure it out! And life stuff: KM and I are already planning to get our marriage done by May 19th. So that’s exciting :) We’ll have photos and videos of the event (it won’t be big, don’t worry, you won’t miss much) but we’re both very excited! Lastly, I’ve added a Music tab (which I’m still working on) and also an Art section under pseudojim. Until next time!


4/02/23 | Sunday Funday

MOWED LAWN lol KM and I did a lot of yard work today, but that’s what we get for being home owners now lol. I feel good about it, like almost proud. Something about maintaining your own thing, even if it’s hard work, but end up feeling accomplished. It makes it all worth it. Oh, right, the website. Well, I managed to find a time where I said, “Alright, fine, I’ll work on the website…” This was a really good idea lol. Even once I do have ideas and improvements for anything, not just this website, I need to have enough motivation to actually do it. (I’ve talked about this multiple times lol.) Anyway, I’m doing it now, gonna try to impliment those ideas, hopefully not as hard as I think. Wish me luck!


3/21/23 | P.a.g.e.s and mics

Sooo, I made some survey, lol. I had thought about it a few days ago. I wanted to take advantage of my out-of-funkness mood and strike while the iron’s hot. Not sure why i have to use metaphors rather than just being more forward, but like, why do we do anything? (Too deep? lol) I wanted to figure out what kind of content I can try out or continue doing. While I really enjoy streaming, it requires a different amount and type of effort than other kinds such as music or other forms of creativity. (like this website??) Took we waaay too long to come up with a good acronym for a stupid 5 question survey, but I can’t help putting effort. Speaking of music and creating, I just got a new microphone today to record better quality guitar audio. Basically, you place the mic really close to the guitar amplifier, and while I did have a good mic while recording the pseudoalbum, it’s made more for vocals than guitar sounds. I managed to make it sound decent, but with this next project, I wanted better quality. Anyway, thanks for reading. I have to take a shower lol. Until next time!


3/20/23 | Test Blog 1

Hey, jim here! Just adding a little something here to see how this works. Obviously, I made a website. (I’ve had it since Dec 2022, whoops lol) but because of my weird mood shift right as the new year started, it’s just been sitting here. I was thinking to have some type of blog/news type thing, so I can go more in-depth with explanations about the things I’d want to talk about. Not sure if I seem like the person who would talk a lot, but I guess most of my streams aren’t super silent anyway lol. Again, just something short to test this out. I hope someone will find it interesting and appreciate the effort. Until next time!


jimmy c romero ♫ 2024